เกาะลันตา - Koh Lanta

beautiful calm island with thousands of fireflies, millions of stars, a sweet swede, a crazy englishman, consistantly and reliably recurring natives, wonderful markets, lots of meals and thai coffee beside the street during monsun rain, best thai pancakes, easily scared monkeys and me, discovering my love for strolling around with a scooter by myself.

coral beach resort
welcome to the beach
shower with a view
fish unfortunately dead
Swede bringing the board home
les belles
old lady with sweets
koh lanta - muddy market in sunshine
muddy market in sunshine
muddy market in sunshine
market songbird
muddy market
after the rain comes sun
girls'n boys
scene on street
rain - once again
nature, recapturing
monkey in the middle of the street
sea shells
swede's view
what is the best place when it's really hot? with the dogs under the house!
incredible sandwork
rain arriving
old town with ... ehm... rain & very good pad thai while waiting!
lightning crashes - long exposure
unfortunately not a good quality, but I love this picture
vacker eve
sweet swede
old trick
Johan, enriches the sunset - utterly!